TokoWhatsApp is a fast loading sales template, no shopping cart, order directly in the product page.
This template is originally TokoWhatsApp from Indonesia. Its original version will be in the form of an order via WhatsApp. Switched to mail order form for everyone to use.
Free sales blogspot template TokoWhatsApp |
- Slide banner
- Standard responsive
- Easy to edit in layout
- Do not use the shopping cart, buy quickly in the article
- Feature to choose size, choose color, advanced size
- The hover effect moves the image off the homepage
- ...
- You download the file, upload the template.
- In the file with sample data, you carefully study the posts (choose size, choose size, choose color, in stock, out of stock ...)
- To install the shopping cart, go to edit HTML, navigate to and edit: entry.ten entry.sdt entry.mail entry.diachi entry.ghichu entry.donhang entry.soluong entry.tenvp
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